About the Foundation
Lingap Adhikain (Nurturing Aspirations) Foundation is a non-stock, non-profit educational foundation registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It aims to improve the lives of young Filipinos by providing them opportunities to attain tertiary education.

The origins of the Foundation date back to 2008 with the sponsorship of the education of a young boy who worked as a househelp. He eventually obtained a college degree in Business Administration and became gainfully employed. Lingap Adhikain Foundation Incorporated was established to continue the advocacy of education for everyone and to reach more families and children through a strong partnership with individuals who are in search of opportunities to support underprivileged but deserving students.

Translated in English, Lingap Adhikain means “Nurturing Aspirations” as this is exactly what the Foundation aims to do for Filipino youths and families. True to its name, Lingap Adhikain Foundation provides equal opportunities for all scholars, with a distinct goal to help students based on their strong aspirations to study, instead of merely high academic qualifications.

Filipino families have always put a premium on education as a means of improving not only one’s life but of society itself. Hence, people desire to nurture aspirations of Filipino youths in their quest for education. Lingap Adhikain Foundation Inc. is a channel for this important endeavor of enabling young Filipinos to attain higher education.
We aim to make a difference. One scholar at a time.
– Dr. Jose P. Rizal –